Bats are small, flying mammals, with most species in Illinois weighing less than an ounce. All bats in the state feed on insects and are most active during the warmer months. They roost in places like trees, caves, under bridges, and sometimes in attics while raising their young. As the weather cools, Illinois bats either migrate to warmer regions or enter hibernation to survive the winter.
Protection of Bats in Illinois
All bats in Illinois are protected by the Wildlife Code (520 ILCS 5/1.1). It is illegal to shoot, trap, transport, or confine bats, except in situations where a bat is found in an area where it could come into contact with humans or pets.
What should I do if I have a bat in my house?
Avoid all contact with bats. However, if a bat enters your home or workspace, it will need to be safely captured. First, confine the bat to a single room. Never handle the bat with bare hands! It's best to call a licensed trapper for removal. Additionally, contact your county health department to assess potential exposure. Do not release the bat until you've consulted with the local health department.
What do I do if I had contact with a bat?
If you had physical contact with a bat, thoroughly wash the affected area with soap and water. If possible, capture the bat for rabies testing. Your county health department, a licensed trapper, or veterinarian can help with capturing and submitting the bat to a lab for testing. If the bat tests positive for rabies and there’s a risk of transmission, you will be advised to receive a rabies prophylaxis vaccination. If the bat tests negative, no further action is needed. If the bat cannot be captured, the county health department will assess the exposure and determine if rabies vaccination is necessary.
How do I exclude bats from my house and keep them from coming back?
Exclusion remains the best way to prevent and control bats in a structure. However, it can only be performed at certain times of the year. We recommend reaching out to a licensed trapper or wildlife rehabber for assistance.
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